Some thoughts

I am away at a conference this week. It has so far proven beneficial for me to be alone for a time and just sit with God. Here are a few bullets that I have come up with during a bit of that time:

• May we live out the mission that God has called us to in the place where He has called to live it and allow for everyone else to do that same, all the while understanding that there are people who will screw up and there are people who will never get it and there will be people that differ from us that do get it. God is more important that our way of thinking. The gospel is more important than our way of thinking.

God would you turn us into a group of people who are continually looking for the next thing to repent of? Expose my sin and expose our sin and as you do remind us of your adoption of us and your love for us.

• “God is a sender, He sent you to where you are. How are you doing with your mission?” Stetzer
• God may I be consumed with you and may I be convicted by you and may I be loving of all, not just those who agree with me. God I want to learn about you. Will you cause me to be only happy with the things of you? I read in this book that “the primary mark of a spirit filled believer is a kind and loving spirit. The primary mark of a carnal believer is a critical, angry attitude. A sure sign of carnality is a loud pushy attitude that demands its own way.”
• You have got things under control Oh God. This world has been doing fine dating back before February 6, 1971 (my birthday). I am unneeded by you. I rest in what you are doing and so now I wait on what you would have me do and ask you for courage and wisdom and strength to run after that hard hard hard. I love you oh Lord and worship you. You are glory and you are power and you are in control. Rest in that now. Whatever happens God is in control. What ever happens he is and he was and is to come.
• Psalm 29:1-2
1 Ascribe to the LORD, O heavenly beings,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness.

Here is a quote from an article written by Tim Keller called "All of Life Is Repentance". It has to do with what I am talking about and sort of supports it::

"But in the gospel the purpose of repentance is to repeatedly tap into the joy of our union with Jesus Christ in order to weaken our need to anything contrary to God's heart."


twagner said...

hey rik your message this past week was i think much larger than you even gave credit to. that first statement of how we are taught to pray. our father. the adoption thing. i think its all a huge tie into Identity. our first identity as a christian is always son or daughter followed by husband or wife then father or mother then gifting ... like teacher or master of mac and cheese making. i think we often fail to realize that. it was no joke that Jesus wanted us to pray like that. to say over and over again that He is father, and as, or more importantly that we are son/daughter. way good stuff ... way good. i hope that your trip is going well.