Here are a few questions for you to ponder. I have answered the first one to give you an idea about it.
1. What is the mission of your life? The first mission of my life is to daily surrender to my God and worship Him. The second is love and lead my wife in biblical ways. The third is to model a life that is continually being changed by the Gospel for my children. The fourth is to pastor the people of North Church. Last is to build relationship with people who do not know Jesus Christ.
2. Who are you building relationship with inside the church and outside the church?
3. Are you willing to take your life to an uncomfortable place for the sake of someone who is far from Christ?
I would really like for you to respond with answers to the first question.
The mission for my life is to love God and seek His pleasure so that all other competing promises of happiness will grow bitter. My love for others will overflow as a direct outgrowth of my love for God. The rest is to follow the desires He's given me, which for now, looks like music and performing.
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