Jesus as a role model

I am reading a book that used this phrase, "see Jesus as a role model". As I read that I began to think. I thought about what it meant to have a role model. A role model is someone that you watch and pattern your life after.

But Jesus as a role model, what does that mean? Does it bring knew thoughts to our call to be Christ like? What was Jesus about?

Here are some thoughts::
-He was constantly connected to the Father.
-He was undistracted from His mission.
-He came to serve.
-He came to give His life away.
-He invested in the lives of a few, while he encountered many.

There are so many things that I could write here. I encourage you to think through what it means to see Jesus as your role model. As you do think about the things that Jesus was always about. Then ask God for wisdom and strength to be about those things.