A few weeks ago God began to speak into me through circumstances and people about his intimate involvement in our lives. As time has passed I am still thinking on that. Here is the flowing of my thoughts on that.
I am so thankful that God is good and near. Jesus Christ left perfection to come to this earth and live among us to suffer pain, be lonely, be mocked, be beaten and be forsaken by God the Father. He did this bridge the gap of relationship that existed between us and God. He did it to satisfy the judgement of wrath that had to be poured out if God was to be just.
The result is our redemption which brings us relationship. God is a highly relational being. He desires to be intimate with His creatures. That is you and I. How amazing is that?
As I reflected on this I was reminded of the relationship that I have with my bride. It reminds me of God when I sit and hold her hand and smell her distinct smell or look at her in a crowded room and smile. It me reminds me of God to tuck my son into bed and cover him up and leave his room and pray for his future. It reminds me of God to have a deep connection with a friend, to share hurt and triumph with a buddy.
We have the image of God imprinted on our soul and our craving for a few relationships that we can be who we are with no pretense or judgement is a reflection of that image of God. I do not have to be the best baseball player or be the best at teaching my son to ride a bike for him to think of me as his favorite person. My heart in given life when a friend asks to invest in them. As I lie down with my wife after a day of choosing her and choosing me and failing and succeeding at loving her right, she still wants to hold my hand as we fall asleep.
That is the gospel in relationships and it is beautiful. God is showing you the gospel all the time. Stop and look for it from time to time. Then tell me about it.
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