This afternoon I was confronted with selfishness and it made me angry. It made me very angry and I responded to the situation with anger. That sat with me all day. Other situations arose the rest of the day, most of which I responded with anger and other forms of sin. I walked around my house full of pride and resentment and a sense of entitlement and anger all night. I was no fun to be around.
Then in the midst of that sin, I walked outside to throw away a trash bag. On the way back in I was overcome with conviction of my sin. I spoke out loud two simple words, "I surrender".
I have taught much lately in sermons about humility and attiude. Today I repaid selfishness with selfishness. That led to many sins from many people and a miserable night.
We are called to have the attitude of Christ, Christ repaid sin with grace. Lord that I might show that attitude to my family and the church you have called me to lead.
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