Churches Helping Churches
Also, we are in the process of putting together another opportunity to support the effort there. In the next couple of days you will be able to buy a specially designed t shirt. We will have a link on to buy them via paypal or directly put them directly on a credit card. All of the proceeds will go to this Churches Helping Churches. We hope that this t shirt will create awareness of the needs in Haiti and serve as a reminder to pray for what is happening there.
Check out their website here There is an update that tells of the recent developments and possibilities to be on the ground in Haiti helping that are coming soon.
Giving to the Church in Haiti

Potential questions:
Q: What if I’ve already given to another organization for the relief efforts in Haiti?
A: Awesome! In no way do we want to tell you what obedience to the Lord looks like for you in this. We simply want to challenge the corporate body of believers at North Church to consider the needs of the Church in Haiti. Many, many resources are being poured into that country to help with medical needs, rebuilding roads, schools, governmental structures, hospitals, etc, and that’s awesome, but what relief is being targeted to the Church there? This is the heartbeat of the organization Churches Helping Churches and we as a church want to be a part of that. “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10).
Q: Can I give online?
A: Absolutely! But here are a few things to consider. Part of the purpose of providing this opportunity to give during tomorrow’s service is for us as a body of believers at North Church to worship God by responding to His leading in this and to do it corporately. What an incredible thing for us to join in together in the context of sitting under the teaching of the Word and the celebration of the Lord’s supper and in the midst of that say that we as a church are responding to the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Haiti. Rather than this be several isolated acts of worship, which in turn will result in the same monetary results, we would love to worship the Lord and respond as a church body, together.
Q: How far will my giving go?
A: A long way! $1 US dollar is $10 Haitian dollars. $100 US dollars is $1000 Haitian dollars. The ability for us to provide greatly at this exchange rate is huge.
Q: Who should I make a check out to?
A: “North Church” We will pool all the money and then send in one payment.
Check out for more information.
My Prayer
I am fully aware of my dependant existence. Each breath is a gift and the next breath is not promised. Today as i get to celebrate the my daughter's birthday, I am reminded of the gift that life is.
I am fully aware that my comfort is not a priority. To live is Christ and to die is gain. I am to be a living sacrifice not conformed to the pattern of the world. Everything in this world, EVERYTHING, is rubbish when compared with knowing Christ. I am an exile on this earth, but I have an inheritance that cannot perish spoil or fade that is kept in heaven for me. No eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has perceived the glory of what God has prepared for me.
God continue to remind me of my contingent existence. My purpose here is to live as Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me."
God shape me to deny myself and serve you and others.
Some thoughts on Haiti's situation and the Christian's response
Here is an excerpt of an article from Albert Mohler who is a more qualified speaker on the subject of Haiti and the Christian response.
Does God hate Haiti? God hates sin, and will punish both individual sinners and nations. But that means that every individual and every nation will be found guilty when measured by the standard of God's perfect righteousness. God does hate sin, but if God merely hated Haiti, there would be no missionaries there; there would be no aid streaming to the nation; there would be no rescue efforts -- there would be no hope.
The earthquake in Haiti, like every other earthly disaster, reminds us that creation groans under the weight of sin and the judgment of God. This is true for every cell in our bodies, even as it is for the crust of the earth at every point on the globe. The entire cosmos awaits the revelation of the glory of the coming Lord. Creation cries out for the hope of the New Creation.
In other words, the earthquake reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only real message of hope. The cross of Christ declares that Jesus loves Haiti -- and the Haitian people are the objects of his love. Christ would have us show the Haitian nation his love, and share his Gospel. In the midst of this unspeakable tragedy, Christ would have us rush to aid the suffering people of Haiti, and rush to tell the Haitian people of his love, his cross, and salvation in his name alone.
Everything about the tragedy in Haiti points to our need for redemption. This tragedy may lead to a new openness to the Gospel among the Haitian people. That will be to the glory of God. In the meantime, Christ's people must do everything we can to alleviate the suffering, bind up the wounded, and comfort the grieving. If Christ's people are called to do this, how can we say that God hates Haiti?
More from Paul Miller's A Praying Life
He talks about how God is both infinite and personal. God is majestic and humble. God is Lord and Shepherd. As begin to understand these things, prayer becomes more easily understood and at the same time hard to grasp. He says, "Trying to dissect how prayer works is like using a magnifying glass to try to figure out why a woman is beautiful. If you turn God into and object, he has a way of disappearing. We do the same thing when a spouse or a friend treats us like an object, we pull back.
"If you are going to enter this divine dance we call prayer, you have to surrender your desire to be in control, to figure out how prayer works. You've got to let God take the lead. You have to trust. Then God will delight you."
My prayer for myself, my family, my church and all who read this is that God would reveal his infinite and personal nature to you today. It is also that you would let go of your grip of control and rest in the wonder of relationship with Jesus. Let it go and swim in the sea.
From A Praying Life by Paul Miller
"Suffering is God's gift to make us aware of our contingent existence. It creates an environment where we see the true nature of our existence- dependant on the living God."
These quotes that use phrases like learned desperation and contingent existence, make me think about what I have seen to be practically true in my own prayer life. So many times, I operate in my own skill set. When that does not work I seek someone with a skill set that will get the job done. Very rarely is the first reaction to pray and to pray with intensity and persistence.
This is not always the case. When a pastor who I admire and respect named Matt Chandler came down with a serious brain cancer diagnosis, there was a national call to pray. A great number of people began praying for Matt. An old friend of mine, named Jeff, about the same time, got a diagnosis of a cancer in his brain. The prognosis is not good. The reaction from everyone was to pray.
Cancer is something that we do not have to learn to be desperate about, we are desperate immediately. When we hear of malignant brain cancer, we know immediately that we are helpless.
But what do we do when the situation is not as grim as brain cancer? Is our first reaction to operate in our own strength? For me the answer is yes. When will we realize that our existence is a contingent existence and the our situation on this planet is desperate one? When will we understand that God has our very best interest in mind? Even when the diagnosis is cancer, even when we get a cold, even when our spouse leaves, even when we want a new job, even when we have an autistic child, even when we can not find our car keys, even when we can't make rent this month...God has our best interest at heart.
We have to understand that ours is a contingent existence. When any of these things happen, God is teaching that to us. Pray today, live today, be aware that yours is a contingent existence today.