Pat Robertson made a fool of himself and of Christians everywhere yesterday with his comments. I have listened to people in the media and in offices mock him. I have listened to people talk like Mr. Robertson is the voice of the Christian. Pat Robertson speaking on behalf of the gospel of Jesus Christ is like listening to McGwire talk about the purity of baseball or Gilbert Arenas about gun control.
Here is an excerpt of an article from Albert Mohler who is a more qualified speaker on the subject of Haiti and the Christian response.
Does God hate Haiti? God hates sin, and will punish both individual sinners and nations. But that means that every individual and every nation will be found guilty when measured by the standard of God's perfect righteousness. God does hate sin, but if God merely hated Haiti, there would be no missionaries there; there would be no aid streaming to the nation; there would be no rescue efforts -- there would be no hope.
The earthquake in Haiti, like every other earthly disaster, reminds us that creation groans under the weight of sin and the judgment of God. This is true for every cell in our bodies, even as it is for the crust of the earth at every point on the globe. The entire cosmos awaits the revelation of the glory of the coming Lord. Creation cries out for the hope of the New Creation.
In other words, the earthquake reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only real message of hope. The cross of Christ declares that Jesus loves Haiti -- and the Haitian people are the objects of his love. Christ would have us show the Haitian nation his love, and share his Gospel. In the midst of this unspeakable tragedy, Christ would have us rush to aid the suffering people of Haiti, and rush to tell the Haitian people of his love, his cross, and salvation in his name alone.
Everything about the tragedy in Haiti points to our need for redemption. This tragedy may lead to a new openness to the Gospel among the Haitian people. That will be to the glory of God. In the meantime, Christ's people must do everything we can to alleviate the suffering, bind up the wounded, and comfort the grieving. If Christ's people are called to do this, how can we say that God hates Haiti?
Some thoughts on Haiti's situation and the Christian's response
Posted by
on Friday, January 15, 2010
I did not see the actual clip from 700 Club, (and I assume many others have not either,) but I did hear Robertson's response that he did say "the earthquake was God's wrath," punishing Haiti. It is not at all a far reach to assume that's what he meant when he brought up the island's history and "deal w/ the devil." However, I think there's also a small enough chance that "wrath of God" were not his full thoughts. I agree with everything you say about God's love (and evidence of love) for Haiti, but I'm holding my judgement of Robertson.
He says that he DID NOT say the 'quake was wrath. I mistyped that above.
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