
Let's say a friend of yours, no a hero of yours was leaving town. That hero was a great influence and mentor to your life. He calls you and few of his closest friends and asks you to come over for a bit the day that he is leaving. He says that he has something important to share with you before he leaves.

At the risk of being cheesy, this is what happened with Jesus. The gospels and the book of Acts record this conversation. The circumstances are as follows: Jesus has resurrected and shown himself to his followers and taught them. Then he gathered them to give them some last minute instructions.

He told them that they were his agents of the Kingdom. We can take that directive from Jesus as well. If you are a follower of Jesus, you are his agent of the Kingdom.

Let me explain what it means to be an agent of the Kingdom. When sin entered the world, all types of strife came with it. Pain, sickness, death, famine, disease, broken relationships, hate, natural disasters and all that brings pain to you and I in this world. Jesus did not come only to save us from our sins, but begin the process of reestablishing his Kingdom. All that strife will be gone one day. We are to be his agents of that Kingdom on this earth now.

The words of Jesus before he left at translated as, "go proclaim the gospel to the whole world." The word that is translated as proclaim is to make known with gravity and authority. The word that is translated as the gospel is the good news of what Jesus did for you. Included in that good news is this sense that he was here to bring the Kingdom.

I am not much on alliteration for the sake of alliteration, but on earth Jesus was about restoration, redemption and reconciliation. That is what he was talking about when he talked about establishing his kingdom.

Here is the kicker to it. Jesus came to do all of this, it was God's plan from the beginning to have Jesus come to this earth and live a perfect life to restore brokenness of this world, brokenness of relationship between man and man and the brokenness of the relationship between God and man. But that is not the end of the plan. Part of that plan is for you and I and other followers of Jesus to be agents of the Kingdom. To act on its behalf.

We all want to be a part of something that is bigger than ourselves. This is it! You are an agent of the Kingdom, that is way bigger than you and it is an adventure that you are called to.