There is an element to our pursuit of the Lord and call to obedience that is always difficult and even, at times, seems impossible. But that perceived impossibility is never to negate our response. So how do we, as believers, actually walk out the things Christ calls us to? I think that more often than not our perception of the Lord up in Heaven looks something like this:
THE LORD: "Hey Joe, I want you to go over and share the gospel with Melissa." (laughing under his breath)
JOE: "But Lord, isn't she an atheist?"
THE LORD: "Yeah she is, but that's ok." (under his breath: "good luck with that one - haha")
While we wouldn't actually say it like that, I think that's how we really see it. As if the Lord enjoys burdening us with impossible tasks and watching, from a distance, as we suffer.
This series will begin to show us how active and present the Lord is in engaging us in our call to obedience -- that he isn't distant in the things he calls us to, but rather is actually the very one that enables us to live for him.
Over the next 6 weeks, We will look at the stories of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Gideon and Hosea. We will see the gospel portrayed through the Lord's covenant relationship with each of these Old Testament characters.
I want to challenge us to begin preparing our hearts and giving permission to Christ to address our obedience to him, or lack there of. Will you join me in praying Psalm 139:23–24?
"Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!"
Journeying to better obedience with you,
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