We started our series on the book of Galatians this past Sunday called "The Gospel is at Stake." We will use this blog to look back at what we talked about in the message and also to look forward to what is coming. Today we will look back at the set up message from October 24.
Galatians was written to the people in the churches in the region of Galatia that Paul established during his first missionary journey. That journey led Paul to preach in several cities across the region of Galatia and then later come back to those cities and establish churches and appoint elders for those churches. You can see those cities (Salamis, Paphos, Perga, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe) on the map. (courtesy to ESV Study Bible for use of the map.)
As he preached he would also receive persecution from religious leaders in the cities who threaten to stone him and on one occasion did stone him and nearly killed him. Paul preached a message of justification by faith alone. The religious leaders contended with Paul saying that converts needed to fully obey the law of Moses, which goes against the core of the gospel.
The ESV Study Bible provides this commentary on the Galatians, "In one way or another, everything in the epistle is related to Paul's defense of justification by faith alone. The letter is also unified by the apostle's intensity of tone, which comes through as strongly here as it does in any of his writings—especially in his intolerance of false doctrine and his indignation with people who promote it."
Thanks for reading, be sure to check back to the blog consistently for more commentary and direction as we go through this series and we hope to see you Sunday.
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