We are about to officially kick off our series "The Gospel in Life". It is an eight week series with a couple of breaks thrown in. The intent of the series is to look closely into the gospel and press it into the core of who we are in such a way that it takes root and begins to dictate how we interact with our world.
We will engage this series on Sunday mornings in service, in community groups and with a home study. All are invited to any and all of the settings.
As we prepare for the first sermon in the series this Sunday, I want to give us all something to pray through and ask God to prepare us.
Pray that God would lead you to his truth. Read and pray John 16:13. This verse says that the Holy Spirit will guide you to truth. Pray with vigor that you would lay hold of the truth of the gospel. Pray that he would bury his truth deep into your soul.
Pray that God would allow you to live this truth. Read and pray Eph 4:1. This verse urges us to live lives worthy of our calling. This word worthy means of equal weight. This calling is the gospel. So our prayer is that God would change us in such a way that the life we live would reflect the gospel that we have engaged.
I am praying these things for us all. I hope to see you Sunday. Thanks for reading!
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