Be Transformed

A few times each year, my mind will center around a word or a phrase in scripture. Currently, I my mind is camping on the notion of being transformed.

Romans 12:2 calls us to be transformed. Transformed is the Greek word Metamorphoo. It is the same word that is used when scripture recounts the transfiguration in Matthew 17 when Jesus literally took on a different physical presence.

The definition of the word is to change into a different form. So to be transformed, as we are called to be, is to take on a different form. If we give more than a cursory look at this idea, we realize that it is not something that we are capable of on our own. It is a supernatural act.

To be transformed is the foremost prayer that I am praying for North Church people.

So what does this mean and how does it happen? Romans 12:2 is a natural response to the grace and mercy of God that appears in Romans 11. But to be changed is not something that starts in us, it is a response to the grace and mercy of God. In order to be transformed, we must press into grace, we must long to be transformed, we must engage God through prayer and scripture, we must think and meditate on grace and mercy.

On the other side of transformation lies the joy that motivated Jesus to endure the intensity of the pain of the cross and to condescend the shame of being alone, broken, naked, bleeding and on display for the world to mock.

I am praying for transformation in our husbands as they lead wives. Men, read scripture to your bride and pray with her. Be the catalyst for the transformation in you and in her.

I am praying this sort of transformation for the single population of North Church. "When Jesus was here on the earth, the crowds would follow Him because they saw He gave good things. But that’s not what He wanted. He wanted their hearts for Himself. So He would turn to them and say things like, “If you don’t love Me so much that every other relationship in your life looks like hate by comparison, you can’t follow Me.”(from

I am praying for transformation in our wives as they submit and fill the role of "Azur" in their marriages. Women, nurture and pray for your husbands and gently ask them to lead you.

I am praying for us all that God would give us a thirst that only He can satisfy. I am praying for that to be a tangible thirst that we feel deep in the back of our throats that makes us noticeably uncomfortable.

Will you join me in these prayers?