"The Gospel confronts us with the hopelessness of our sinful condition. But we don’t like what we so of ourselves in the gospel, so we shrink back from it. We live in a land of self improvement. Certainly there are steps that we can take to make ourselves better. So we modify what the gospel says about us.
We are not evil, we think, and certainly not spiritually dead…My life is not going right, but God loves me and has a plan to fix my life. I simply need to follow certain steps, think certain things and check off certain boxes and I am good.
Both our diagnosis of the situation and our conclusion regarding the solution fit nicely in a culture that exalts self-sufficiency and self-confidence. We already have a fairly high view of our morality, so when we add a superstitious prayer, a subsequent dose of church attendance and obedience to some of the Bible we fell pretty sure that we will be alright in the end."
David Platt from Radical
One of the things that gives me great discouragement is that we have a lot of people walking around this planet who, if you asked them, would call themselves Christian and they have no idea what the term Christian even means from a Biblical perspective. This quote gets to the heart of that issue. Our self diagnosis of our spiritual condition is based more on our morality, church attendance as a kid, and a general sense of entitlement than scripture.
That is a very dangerous thing. The extent of the danger of this misdiagnosis is truly unable to be communicated in this forum. It is dire. We are called to daily lay ourselves down and crucify our self centered desires and have them replaced by Christ. Matthew 16:24. Galatians 2:20. We are mistaken if we think that half-hearted Christianity is Christianity at all.
I encourage you to reflect on this notion is a real way. Stop right now and examine your heart and mind.
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