Today's reading is here
"he had come to the end of himself and all his self-sufficiency, there was not one strand of himself he would ever rely upon again, and in his destitution he was in a fit condition to receive an impartation from the risen Lord."
God has been really pressing in on this notion. Through a conversation with a recovering drug and alcohol abuser, through reading Radical by David Platt, through personal private study, born in a desire to see God work in North Church; God is calling me and I pray also that He is calling you to die to yourself that He might live through you.
In Radical, Platt says, "God delights in using ordinary Christians who come to the end of themselves and choose to trust in his extraordinary provision." All over scripture God is making this plea to us, to find our joy and our strength and our hope and our desires in Him. Psalm 37:4 promises that God will replace your lack luster desire with His life giving desires deep in your heart, Psalm 130:7 promises that when our hope is placed in him and not in self we experience steadfast love, Matthew 5:3 tells us that when we realize and come to grips with our spiritual poverty we receive the Kingdom.
My prayer for myself and for you, "God would you show me what it looks like to die to myself? Give me a deep passion and zeal for this."
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