I was introduced to the music of Brook Fraser a few weeks ago and I stumbled upon the C S Lewis Song. It is a great song with two simple prepositions in the chorus that carry so much weight that I am compelled to write this blog post about them.
The first is, "Speak to me in the light of the dawn, mercy comes WITH the morning." This lyric, at first or superficial glance, can be cliche. Many songs have been written and poetry penned with something about God's mercy being new every morning or the sunrise reminding us a the new mercy we have everyday. As we see a sunrise or experience a new day, God refreshes us. There is truth in this idea and it is also Biblical. (Lamentations 3:22,23)
But I want to point out a simple use of the word, "with". There is an idea born with this word. It is a beautiful idea that the new mercies of the Lord come even without our asking or knowledge of needing them.
Each new day comes WITH new mercies. They are a pair, they cannot seperate. So whatever yesterday brought to you, today mercy comes WITH the morning, just like fries come with your number three value meal.
The second preposition comes in the chorus as well. She writes, "I wait for hope to come FOR me." Hope, in a spiritual context, is not crossing your fingers and hoping for something to happen. It is a future reality, a confident expectation of something that is to come.
Tonight, I will leave work and go get Cooper and take him to baseball practice and then take him to the Cardinal baseball game. Cooper is at home right now waiting his dad to come FOR him.
Take a listen to the song and breath in deep the mercy that is yours and the hope that is yours.
Thanks for reading
WITH, whether I ask for it or not. Wow. Multiple light bulbs just went off in my head while reading this. Thank you for this post. Needed to hear that profoundness in those simple words. Now own Brooke Fraisers newest albums.
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