The King's Speech.

I finally watched this film tonight. What a beautiful statement. We have the main character who is a broken man (both in is stammering and in his failed search for love and affirmation from his family).

Because of his awareness of his brokenness he shrinks from the purpose of his life and uses his brokenness as a vessel to run from his purpose. He lacks faith, he is aware deep in his consciousness of his purpose but when he gets close to probing the depth of his consciousness to bring it to the surface, his lack of faith wins and he hides.

But the heroes of the film that lead to the redemption of this great man enter to pour security and faith into him. The obvious hero is the therapist. He forces the man to deal with the root of the problem rather than changing the surface behavior that everyone can see. It is that fact that leads the man to his ultimate fulfilled purpose.

The less obvious hero is the wife. She is the truest hero in my eyes. I say that, probably because I see so much of my bride in her. She nurtures and unconditionally believes in her man. The ferocity of her devotion to him will not allow him to hide in his brokenness. She firmly and gently nudges him to his purpose. God has given me such a bride and helper. For that I cannot speak words thankful enough to my God for her.

I have prayed a prayer tonight that those who read this and those to whom God has called me to shepherd and those whom I interact with, will be granted someone to pour courage into them as I have had and as George VI has had. And that courage would spur you on to the realization of purpose and mission in this life which ultimately leads to perfectly intense contentment in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks for reading and God bless you today.


Anonymous said...

Good words, Rik.