Are you losing a battle you don't realize you're fighting?

We are under attack!  Whether you realize it or not, the enemy is working overtime to destroy your faith and efforts to live out the gospel (John 10:10).  Some of you have recently begun walking with the Lord in a depth of obedience that hasn't happened in a long time, and the enemy is ticked about it.  

A friend of mine shared the following thought with me recently:

"The greatest like in America is that Satan doesn't exist.  We are losing a game we don't even realize we're playing."

As to whether or not you are presently losing, I cannot answer.  But one thing I do know, if you are a child of God, you have the victory.  While you might presently be living in defeat, under the attack of the enemy, there will come a day when the devil's authority will cease and he will suffer under the wrath of God forever (Matt. 25:41).

Eph. 6:10-20 is an amazing passage that reminds us of the battle we fight everyday and the strength and means by which we can walk in victory.  We as Christians take this battle way to lightly, more accurately, we fail to realize we are even in a battle...going about our day as if it's just another day, while in the spiritual realms all hell is breaking loose for your soul. 

"We cannot know what prayer is for until we know that life is war." - John Piper

This is what the apostle Paul is screaming at us in Eph. 6:18
"praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.  To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints."

Quit going through life as if it's just another day.  Quit buying into the lie that Satan doesn't exist.  You might think you don't really believe that lie, but look at how you live.  Are you putting on your armor each day?  Are you "keeping alert"?  Are you living in an urgency of prayer as if your life really depends on it?  Most of us don't, and we need to repent and start fighting in the Name of Jesus against the schemes of the enemy on our life, family and church. 

1 Tim. 6:12
"Fight the good fight of faith.  Take hold of eternal life to which you were called."

Fighting with you and for you,