We have been talking a lot in recent days about our meeting location for North Church. In Elders meetings, in community groups, in text messages from one member to another and other venues there has been much conversation about where we will be.
I have included images of the different buildings that we have been in from the start of NC to the right. Think about God's provision as you read the rest of this post.
Two things that really stand out to me that make this a season of nearness to God. First, we are learning what the church is and what it is not. The church is people not a particular building or a group of people that gather in a particular place at a particular time. The church is God's people living on mission together.
The church is much more than just that one simple statement, in fact entire books have been written about the church and it is not something that can be encapsulated with that one simple statement (God's people living on mission together). But that is one very key element to what the church is. It is a key element that we are seeing come to life in this season of our church.
The second thing that stands out is a truth that God taught me years ago and is reinforcing and reminding me now in this season. It is that God brings circumstances into our lives that make us want to seek Him for the answer. Questions like, should I take this job, should I get married, should I buy this car are circumstances that make us seek God. Events like the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, losing a job or difficulties in a marriage also drive us to get closer to God.
In this season in our church, I have had countless conversations with NC people and others who care about NC that have been praying and talking and seeking God for guidance on our next step and laying down stress and anxiety.
In our minds, our circumstances or situations are what we are consumed with, but deeper more surrendered relationship is the product of our seeking God for our circumstances.
So continue to pray and live on mission together.
Thanks for reading!
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