From Tim Keller

If you have the time click on this Tim Keller sermon link on this page and listen to it. It is very good.


So I am a guy and that means that I struggle with lust sometimes. It means that whenever I see a Hardees commercial coming on, I stop looking at the tv. It means that when I drive to my parents house and pass the strip clubs on interstate 64 I engage my wife in conversation or look the other way and try not to get sucked in.

Sex is great thing. Sex is a thing that has been hijacked by our culture. Sex was given as a gift from God to enjoy and connect our hearts with our spouse. The female body is full of beauty and was meant to be enjoyed by husbands. It shows the beauty and artistry of God. Sex, when enjoyed in proper context is worship.

But again, our culture has highjacked it and we have perverted it and taken it to a place where we should not have taken it. We have taken something that is great and turned it into a massive distraction.

As a man, I know of the dangers of lust and because I do I run from it by placing safeguards in my life, like looking the other way or having accountability or conversations with my wife. I have trained myself to keep away from out of context sexual thoughts.

But, I wonder how many other distractions in this world take my focus away from the best. I wonder how many legit things gain my attention and affection in ways or amounts that are make it not legit. Sports, politics, TV, movies, books, friends...all these things are legit and gifts from God. But because they are not over the top bad and not talking points of the religious culture we do not give them the sort of attention and caution that we should.

A Simple Thought

The other day my son Cooper got $50 from different relatives and all he wanted to do was spend it on games as soon as possible. I told him time after time, that I am not sure that was a good way to spend his money. I am trying to teach him about being smart with how he spends his money.

So then today I am listening to an interview that a well known pastor who speaks at many national conferences. Someone asked him the question about how he chooses which conferences to speak at and which ones not to. In his answer he said, "that is just not something I want to spend my life on.

Ten minutes later, I got up and went into the bathroom with a good book. I read the book for a few minutes and then took a long hot shower. I told Jen as I walked to the bathroom that this was a great way to spend 20 minutes.

While in that shower I started to think about the word spend. I started thinking about how I think about how we are going to spend our money and about how we want to wise with the resource of money and not blow it on stupid stuff. I was thinking about the lessons I am trying to teach Cooper.

But I absolutely do not have the careful consideration and budgeting efforts on my time. Time is a resource just like money is a resource.