Pulling Weeds

A couple of nights ago my wife and I got into a fight. I could tell you about the details of the fight, but I would rather tell you about the root of the fight and the lesson God taught me in it.

After the fight blew up, I went outside to our back patio to sit and be angry. The anger gave way to the Spirit of God nudging me to my failings as a husband and pastor in the midst of the fight. That gave way to prayers of repentance. That gave way to me seeking find a way to serve my wife.

In the midst of all that I read the Bible on my phone. I began reading James. Specifically James 1:12-20 with special emphasis on James 1:19-20. The anger of a man does not produce the righteousness of God. This leveled me. I talk to my wife and the people who God has given me to pastor about loving their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. I say this often. Yet here I was yelling in anger at her trying to get her to see things my way. The anger of a man does not produce the righteousness of God.

So after this leveling, I start looking for something to do to serve her. I am outside sitting on the patio. Many who read this know that my house was hit by a tornado about a year ago and we just moved back in about 2 months ago. That meant the flower beds that border our patio have had no attention in 12 months. So I start pulling weeds. Did I mention that it is midnight? I have my phone's flashlight rigged up to shine on the area and I start digging weeds.

As I do, my mind goes to this idea. I have enjoyed the fruit of my marriage for a long time with little to know work on pulling the weeds. So now instead of colorful flowers in the flower bed, there are weeds and glass from broken windows from the tornado scattered around the flower bed.

Scriptures calls men to be to their wives as Christ was the to the church. Scripture calls us to act as Christ did by not clinging to our rights but instead to take on the nature of a servant.

My lesson is this, I have to engage in the continual practice of repentance and removing sin from my heart. This is a tweet that sent out that night in the middle of the literal and spiritual weed pulling, "Simply enjoying the provision of God w/o engaging the pruning work of repentance will leave your soul filled with weeds. #firsthandknowledge"

Thanks for reading.

House Fire :: Update and new needs

Thanks so much to all who have responded to the needs of the Bass Family who lost everything in their rental house to a fire with no insurance.  We've raised $1000 and tons of clothes, shoes & toys, etc.  I spent several hours with the Bass Family yesterday.  They joined us for brunch after church and then I helped them get all the donations to their new temporary residence.  Today, Monday, they are moving in with family until the rental house is remodeled.  The house they are staying in will have 11 kids (6 of their own) and 4 adults, so it will be a bit crazy for them but they are very thankful to have a place to stay.  If any of you ever want to take their kids out for a few hours, they would love it. They have been overwhelmed by the response of many and haven't stopped saying thank you. 

Updated needs:
As they receive donations, they are keeping me up to speed on what they still need and no longer need.  Here is the updated list of needs:

3 Comforters & Sheets (Twin)
Under clothes / Underwear (Bras 34a & 36b)
Boy's shorts (sizes 4, 7, 8, 12)
Girl's shorts (size 5)
Men's shorts (size 32 & 38)
Washing powder
Ladies clothes size 7 & med tops
Wii video games & controllers for boys
Soap, lotion, toothpaste, etc
School supplies - 4 book bags for kids (3 boy, 1 girl), paper, pencils, notebooks, etc

Clothing sizes: boy's 4T, 7, 8 & 12; girls 5 junior & small tops; men's size 32 pants & medium top. Women's size 6-8 and men's XL

Their greatest need is financial.  Carlos has a good job but the time he has had to take off work is unpaid.  Tessie does not have a job as a stay-at-home mom, but I'm working with her to try to find a job (if you have any leads let me know).

 (Put "house fire" in the designation box)

Here is a link to the previous blog I wrote with the story.

Thanks for being the hands and feet of Jesus to this amazing family!  I'll keep you posted!

For His Name!
Eph 3:20