Ticks me off

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them.

If my people who are called my name would humble themselves and pray, then will I hear from heaven and I will heal their land.

These two verses are quoted all the time and completely out of context. I heard the first one yesterday in a prayer twice. I even heard it from a high ranking person in the Missouri Baptist Convention at the annual meeting. It made me think poorly of this person, it even caused me to stumble. And we know all about abstinence from things that cause people to stumble.

We say, "God you have promised that whereve two or three are gathered you will be with us, so God we ask you to be here with us." It is like when I am alone and want to pray or hang out with God I can't. Do I need to go and find a friend? If I am with three other people do I need to tell one of them go home so that we can have two or three?

Ridiculous! The context is Matthew 18 and conflict resolution and bringing two people to try to bring a friend out of sin. It has nothing to do with prayer or a worship service.

The "heal their land verse" is quoted alot when american churches climb up on the patriotism mountain. It happens alot over the fourth of July and Veterans Day holidays and during election times. It is is also ridiculous and out of context. The statement is made by God and he talking to Jews in Israel. He is not talking to the USA.

This one is not as bad, because from a conceptual standpoint it is a good idea to humble yourself and pray to God. But, this is not a promise by God to the USA. In fact, there are no promises by God to the USA in all of scripture. Gasp!

So stop praying these things. Please.