More on Authority

I was cutting the grass this morning and had these thoughts while listening to Matt Chandler preach.

Look at the story of Moses and Pharoah and the plagues that God sent to the land. God sent these plagues in the midst of a struggle over authority with Pharoah. In other words, Pharoah says, "I am in charge." God says, "No I have authority."

Please, do not think of this story as some fairy tale kids movie. This is not for kids, it is intense awful stuff that happened to a nation whose leader was in opposition to the authority of God.

Among other things, this is what God to show his authority. Every bit of livestock from the nation of Egypt died. Every horse, camel, cow, sheep and every other piece of livestock just dropped dead. The great river Nile turned into blood. Houses were filled with locusts, dust turned into gnats. Then every first born son of everyone in the land of Egypt died in the night.

Make no mistake, God has authority. We can submit to it or we can be in opposition to it.