Meditations on Psalm 37:11

11 But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace.

Meek is a word that is totally misunderstood in our culture. Meekness has developed this connotation that there is weakness involved or some sort of willingness to be walked over.

Here in this context, it simply means full awareness of our need and inability. Other scriptures translate this as humble.

I think about Mia, my 5 year old, and how she wants nothing to do with a swimming pool unless I am with her or how she wants nothing to do with going to our basement unless her big brother goes with her. It is not so much about fear of the pool or the basement as much as it is about trust in her dad and big brother. She is completely at peace when we are there with her.

When we are aware of our own brokenness and need and aware of the protection and complete perfection of God and run to him in all circumstances we are meek. When we are meek we live in abundant peace.

Peace in this verse is welfare, contentment, completeness. We have these things in excess in Christ. We have more peace than we need, we have extravagant welfare in Christ.

Difficult circumstances are not be feared or cause us dismay, they serve us in that they push into the arms of the giver of abundant peace. When Mia and I are in the pool she clings to and learns to trust in her dad who would give his life to protect and provide for her.