Grace Compels

Thinking a lot in the past few days about the power of grace. Read Luke 7:35-39. Read Luke 10:30-37. As you do look for the grace of God.

Compel is a word that I have studied. Some of the definitions of the word I have found are:
-to force to submit.
-to have a powerful irresistible effect.
-to influence.

Many times we look upon grace as a lyric to a song or just something that we are grateful that Jesus was filed with and gave us on the cross. But when we look at grace in it's pure sense, we see it as a force, we are compelled to action.

I am praying today that God would give me a more pure view of grace. I am praying that this view would compel me to action, holiness and mission. I am praying the same for those who read this.

Thanks for reading.