Financial giving principle #3

3.  How you manage your money is a lens into the condition of your heart.
Matthew 6:21 (ESV)
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

It makes sense right?  Where a person invests himself shows what he loves most.  Time is one way we invest in something.  Take sports for example, we invest time in watching, playing, reading and talking about the sports we love.  But if you think about it, it's very difficult to invest time into something for very long without eventually investing money into it as well.  Before too long we are buying tickets to games, getting the sports cable package, paying to get in a league, buying new equipment, etc.  Or take for example dating.  You find someone you are interested in and you begin to spend time with that person.  The more time you spend with them the more you being to invest financially into that relationship.  Why? Because simply going to the park and hanging out talking isn't enough.  You want to go on a date, get dinner, go to the movies, get them a gift, etc.  Before you know it, you are buying them a ring and a house.  It's a natural progression that Jesus is saying shows your passions.  Neither a love for sports or relationships are wrong by any means.  They are just simply to be very secondary to our pursuit and love for Jesus.   He isn't our hobby - "I'm a musician, love art, fix cars, follow Jesus, etc.”  Rather, your identity as a follower of Jesus encompasses everything you do as a musician, artist and mechanic.  This mission of God defines those hobbies where you live and act within them as a child of the King seeking to bring redemption to those spheres of life.  Let’s be honest, simply going to church is a pretty lame hobby…and Jesus teaches us that our money reveals much about our motives and passions.