Tim Keller Wisdom on Marriage

"...determine to see your own selfishness as a fundamental problem and to treat it more seriously that you do your spouse's. Why? You only have complete access to your own selfishness, and only you have complete responsibility for it. So each spouse should take the Bible seriously, should make a commitment to "give yourself up." You should stop making excuses for your selfishness, you should begin to root it out as it's being revealed to you, and you should do so regardless of what your spouse is doing. If tow spouses each say, 'I'm going to treat my self-centeredness as the main problem in the marriage,' you have the prospect of a great marriage."

Timothy Keller

Man, if we could also embrace this notion! Marriage, as God intended it, is the greatest tool to teach us about how we relate to Jesus and how Jesus relates to us. In Ephesians 5:32 Paul calls this a Mega Mystery.

It is my prayer for your the marriages of North Church.