A Tale of Two Boys

There were two 10 year old boys each with the same heart problem, neither of them were aware of the problem. Jacob and Nick had no idea that they had a problem. One day, Jacob was playing football he had a pretty serious injury and had significant internal and external bleeding.

He was rushed to the hospital and they were able to stabilize his bleeding, but it was certain that we was going to spend the next month in the hospital and be in a great deal of pain. He would not be able to play again for at least a full year.

During his time in the hospital doctors did a series of tests and found that he had a heart problem. Doctors told him that the injury probably saved his life because the doctors knew about the problem they were able to do a procedure on his heart and give him medication that would protect his heart.

Nick, meanwhile remained ignorant of his heart problem. It was a problem that could have been fixed had he known about it. It was a problem that would cause heart failure and Nick's death at the age of 17.

Psalm 51:8 says, "Let the bones that you have broken rejoice." North Church wrote a song years ago that uses that verse in a line. The next line is, "My brokenness has caused me to look up and my eyes have seen your perfect love."

Last night I watched my son wrestle through a difficult night. His anger, his selfishness, his lack of self control were in full display. As I laid with him in his bed, I observed his anger, selfishness and self control issues break him. He was in great pain and tears filled his face. The Holy Spirit was at work in this little boy and new follower of Christ.

I told him the allegory about Nick and Jacob and told him that while this pain is hard and it sucks to have it come out of you in such ugly ways, there is great benefit to knowing that a deadly disease lies within you.

I love my son and I love you. My prayer for my son, myself and for you is that we would not run from our sin and that we would not run from apprehension of our sin. It can be a valuable tool that causes us to see our neediness and the greatness of a God who rich is grace and in mercy.

Psalm 41:17  
As for me, I am poor and needy,
but the Lord takes thought for me.
You are my help and my deliverer;
do not delay, O my God!

Psalm 86:1
Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.

Psalm 109:22
For I am poor and needy,
and my heart is stricken within me.

Thanks for reading.