Does Christianity have an image problem?

I would like to know what people think about this article that apperared in Time and how it does and or should impact what we are doing at North Church.,8599,1667639,00.html


twagner said...

i personally think that this article and its statistics say very little. it is just numbers at this point. (oh and i love statistics) i think if there is anything to be alarmed about is that the next generation will grow up in an environment where there faith makes them a minority. the negative image of christians is created by bad christians. i dont think this should have any impact in on North Church really. assuming that the church and its people are sticking to the truth people God stuff. as far as i am concerned if everything filters through the vision of north church all of these 'issues' in this article are not issues that are north church issues. should they become issues they can get knocked out by holding them up against 'truth people God'.