Experience Easter Part 3

Our reading today is very short, but vital to the ultimate course of events. The only event is Judas agreeing to betray Jesus it comes from Matthew 26:14-15.

As you read this, think about how matter of fact Judas is. It was his idea to go to the leaders. We know from previous places in scripture that Judas had a lust for money. It was an idol of his. Here he sells out his friend for 30 pieces of silver. He sacrifices Jesus at the altar of his idol.

We know that later Judas throws the money away and commits suicide. Our idols and the things we sacrifice for that are not Jesus, leave us as they left Judas. They become worthless and leave us empty.

Think today about your idols and what idols you sacrifice for. Ask God, as I am today, to expose your idols and shine a light on their lack of value.