A Vision for Prayer in 2013

Yesterday, I cast North Church's vision for making 2013 a year that is focused around prayer. I am blogging some of my notes for those who were not in attendance yesterday and for those who read this who do not attend North Church.

Some of the items in the notes were not touched on yesterday.

A Vision for Prayer in 2013

There may be no greater tool for God to use to change us than consistent, fervent prayer.

“The man- God’s man- is made in the closet. His life and his most profound convictions are born in his communion with God.”

EM Bounds

The vision for prayer in 2013-

1.     Consistent- (Luke 22:39-41) Pray on the same days at the same times each week. This will develop habits and habits begin to make patterns. This will change you.
2.     Alone- (Luke 22:41)
a.     Pray by yourself, this develops intimacy and you can have freedom to sing, argue, make mistakes, read, be repetitive like to Psalm, meditate.
b.     Find your prayer closet.
                                               i.     In your car on your way to work. This is a quiet and consistent routine based opportunity.
                                              ii.     Shower. This is what I do. God uses the idea of cleansing to teach me daily and remind me. It is also a quiet and restful place.
                                            iii.     Actual closet.
                                            iv.     Next to your bed. Many married couples require different amounts of sleep or have different schedules. Many times Jen will be finishing up a project and I am just looking for something to do. Kneel next to the bed and pray.
3.     Sacrificially-
a.     Fasting. There will be more to come in the next few weeks sermons about fasting. But, at the heart of fasting is to connect with the heart of God and at the heart of fasting is sacrifice with the express understanding that God can provide.
b.     Wake up early. God will bless this. I love sleep and I hate to wake up before I have to. God will bless this. Sacrifice.
c.      Skip a lunch. Not necessarily fasting, but giving up of time that is “yours” in the middle of the day to seek God.
4.     Model- Your leaders have been doing this for a couple of months now. We do not want to call you to something that we have not been pursing for a while.
a.     Elders have been praying since for this and in this since November.
b.     Deacons have been praying since December.
c.      We are calling the church body to it today.
5.     What to pray/How to Pray-
a.     Allow God to direct this. Foremost, spend sometime with God and allow him to direct this, allow these words to serve as a guide.
b.     Some direction:
                                               i.     Books to help/guide/shepherd your praying mindset:
1.     Everyday Prayers by Scotty Smith.
2.     A Praying Life by Paul Miller.
3.     Humility by Andrew Murray.
4.     Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray.
                                              ii.     Read the Psalms. Read them by day. On the first of the month read Psalm 1 etc. on the first of the second month read Psalm 32 etc. Do not feel obligated to read the entire Psalm. If a phrase in a Psalm connects with your heart, stop, meditate on it, think on it, pray it, memorize it, repeat it to yourself throughout the day, remember this is the WORD OF GOD he is using it to penetrate your spirit and remind you of a part of himself.
Psalm 32 in Practice::

When you see the word Selah, that is an instruction to stop and think deeply on what you just read.

Memorize, meditate, repeat phrases, think on concepts, pray them verbally.

Psalm 32:1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

For me with this Psalm, this simple verse launched me for a full week to guide my prayers. It directs the rest of the Psalm and leads me to actively ask forgiveness for specific sin.


God will shape you and will continue to shape you as you develop this communion, the devotion and as you sacrifice, learn, and hunger for his presence in prayer and in meditation. Come and spend 2013 in prayer and communion with God.