5 Ways to Develop a Devotion to Prayer

  1. Pray- This is probably the best way to develop a devotion to prayer, just start doing it. Sacrifice, be consistent, pray everyday at the same time in the same place.
  2. Ask God for it- Scripture says that you do not have because you do not ask. Ask God to give you a devotion for prayer.
  3. Pray in community- God designed us for community. 
    • Have someone or a group if people that pray with and pray for. 
    • Text people that you are praying for them, ask them what you can pray for. 
    • Develop prayer groups that meet with consistency. You do not have to be a pastor or leader to gather some close friends and start praying. 
    • Find someone today to pray with or text with about your prayers. 
    •  Share your journals with someone.
  4. Pray the Psalms- They provide you with the revealed heart, character and personality of God. They give you a rounded perspective of who he is. They help you to commune with God. 
  5.   Realize your need- At the heart of prayer is an acknowledgement that we are in need and the one you pray to can fulfill that need. This is the gospel here. We have a need, burden, a desire for relationship, a realized hunger inside of us that is filled by God. He is ready and waiting and accepting of you in full as you are.