A Bonus Pictoral Update

The Church we are serving

The crew at Sunday's lunch

Two moms from La Puerta Esperanza

Amy and Kelso at lunch


The crew leaving lunch

A few of our tools

Juan the master electrician


More mudding

Sierra leading our kid's club

More mudding

Juan Carlos (pastor) and Dennis

Still more mudding

Caleb got some on the walls too

Jenimax in her element

Jenimax surrounded by babies

John put up ceiling fans in the new rooms

Caleb is eating with those mudded hands

G and Say with their new friend

Kelso with one of the babies

Jenimax in her element again

Amy too

She actually knows how to use that thing

Rik and Dave putting up a foyer wall

Juan is a master drywall hanger too

I told you she knew how to use it

G and Amy enjoying downtime

Amy and Avery at La Puerta Esperanza

Nap time after a hard day

This is the crew just after church Sunday