Stewardship From Saving Private Ryan

Dave began a series for us last night in which he talked about Stewardship (The link to the audio can be found on our website). During the message my mind was taken to this scene. (click on the title to link to it on youtube)

Dave talked mostly about everything that we have is a gift from God. From our possessions to our relationships, everything that we have is a gift. Even your very life is not your own, but it is a gift that you have been given.

The back story to this clip is that Private Ryan's (played by Matt Damon) brothers have been killed in battle and a platoon of men have gone in search of him to take him home. That platoon is led by Tom Hank's character. Several men have died trying to find Private Ryan. Two more of the leaders of the platoon die in this scene.

We, just like Private Ryan, have been given a great gift of our lives. I hope that you connect with this clip and the stewardship message that Dave is bringing us from scripture.